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Technical Background of
Interactive CLI of Ruby 2.7
RubyConf 2019
Powered by Rabbit 3.0.0 and COZMIXNG
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Hello, everyone.
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Let me introduce myself
a Ruby committer
the current RDoc maintainer
a member of Ruby core team
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Community: Asakusa.rb
Asakusa.rb every Ruby Tuesday
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Company: Space Pirates, LLC.
Space Pirates, LLC.
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Company: Space Pirates, LLC.
Our business: We steal money via bank
from venture companies that commission
software development to us.
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Company: Space Pirates, LLC.
This company is founded by my friend 2
years ago. Only 5 employees.
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Company: Space Pirates, LLC.
...But it supported me as a semi-full time
OSS engineer as a Ruby committer.
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Hobby: Climbing
And my hobby is climbing.
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Hobby: Climbing
Usually, I go to climbing area before
international conference.
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Hobby: Climbing
But this time, I couldn't go to climbing
before RubyConf.
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Hobby: Climbing
Because I went to Matsue where Matz is
living to attend the RubyWorld
Conference as a speaker.
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Hobby: Climbing
And I told about "adventure".
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Hobby: Climbing
Adventure is to go somewhere that
nobody hasn't known the world.
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Hobby: Climbing
Nobody understands the value, nobody
knows how can we go there.
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Hobby: Climbing
And everyone is living in well-known
comfort zones, but adventure is not.
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Hobby: Climbing
Only one week later after the
presentation of the RubyWorld
Conference, I came here. So I couldn't
climb around Nashville.
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Hobby: Climbing
But I found a good place to climb near
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Hobby: Climbing
It's Puerto Rico.
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Hobby: Climbing
world map
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Hobby: Climbing
I'm from Japan.
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Hobby: Climbing
And it's Nashville. So far.
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Hobby: Climbing
Puerto Rico is almost there.
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Hobby: Climbing
I'll try to climb unknown and unexplored
area of a jungle of Puerto Rico.
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Hobby: Climbing
The word, unknown is important for
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Hobby: Climbing
I think that adventure means going into
the unknown.
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My Adventure In Ruby
Today, I'll talk about my adventure in
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My Adventure In Ruby
I'm the current maintainer of RDoc which
is the standard documentation tool of
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My Adventure In Ruby
And I'm trying to improve IRB with
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My Adventure In Ruby
The brand-new IRB has multi-line editings
that is powered by Reline.
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My Adventure In Ruby
The multi-line editing feature of IRB was
advocated by keiju-san who is the author
of the original IRB.
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My Adventure In Ruby
It's the great vision but it's too hard to
implement because the original IRB is
implemented by GNU Readline.
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My Adventure In Ruby
GNU Readline has over 30 years of
histrical background.
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My Adventure In Ruby
So Reline needs to be compatible with so
many features of GNU Readline.
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My Adventure In Ruby
the history of terminal
GNU Readline compatible features
I18n support
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My Adventure In Ruby
the history of terminal
GNU Readline compatible features
I18n support
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The History of Terminal
the history of terminal
the Morse code
escape sequence
escape sequence on Unix like OS
Windows support
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The History of Terminal
When do you think the terminal's
historical background started?
30 years ago?
60 years ago?
120 years ago?
240 years ago?
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The History of Terminal
Most communication technologies are
invented by market of new businesses.
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The History of Terminal
Japanese people continues to eat rice
over 10,000 years. It's our soul. Old
Japanese kings treat rice stockpiles as
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The History of Terminal
Back then, rice is a practical currency in
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The History of Terminal
About 200 years ago, merchant of those
days was in trouble.
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The History of Terminal
Rice market has different between east
side and west side.
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The History of Terminal
So they needed the soonest
communication technology.
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The History of Terminal
Illustration purpose by © 2019 Doom Kobayashi
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The History of Terminal
It's a kind of bit encoded data.
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The History of Terminal
Merchants could send rice market
information within 2 hours over 500km.
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The History of Terminal
In the same age, telegraph is invented by
William F. Cooke and Charles Wheatstone.
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The History of Terminal
It sends code from typed primitive keys
via railway track as a line to a printing
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The History of Terminal
Cooke and Wheatstone's five-needle, six-
wire telegraph
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The History of Terminal
It's just experimental so it has only
several keys. It's not enough to type
alphabet, so "shift key" is added.
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The History of Terminal
It's the "shift key" in early times. It was
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The History of Terminal
After that, Samuel Morse who is famous
Morse code invents telegraph on Morse
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The History of Terminal
The system is just Morse code so can
receive generated code from a typed key
or hand inputted code, and can output to
auto printing system or writing
characters via ear.
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The History of Terminal
The system continues to be improved, it's
called "teletype".
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The History of Terminal
Royal Earl House invented brand new
teletype and it's used for money transfer.
It was 1855. A few years later, The
Western Union Company is founded.
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The History of Terminal
But the typing system and printing
system is not convenient.
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The History of Terminal
Human beings know more convenient
typing and printing system.
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The History of Terminal
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The History of Terminal
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The History of Terminal
But typewriter needs "operations of a roll
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The History of Terminal
Typewriters print characters to the same
point but move a roll paper. The protocol
that ups to here doesn't contain
operations of a roll paper.
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The History of Terminal
Move left
Move right
Roll a paper(move to next line)
Move to head of line
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The History of Terminal
Those operations are added to the
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The History of Terminal
Move left
Move right
Roll a paper(move to next line)
Move to head of line
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The History of Terminal
Move cursor left
Move cursor right
Line feed
Carriage return
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The History of Terminal
These are "control codes".
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The History of Terminal
The reason of those two operations are
separated is those need too many time to
Line feed
Carriage return
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The History of Terminal
Aside, "Line break" character code is...
Carriage return + Line feed on Windows
Carriage return on macOS
Line feed on Unix like OSes
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The History of Terminal
The difference is based on early times
operations set of printing systems for
each OSes.
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The History of Terminal
Now, other some operations are added to
the protocol. It's the base of modern
"terminal". It was 1901.
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The History of Terminal
The early "terminal" was that separated
"keyboard" and "printing system" from
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The History of Terminal
The "printing system" is the base of "line
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The History of Terminal
And, some terminals need "extended
features". So, a new character, "following
characters are not printable, just control
code" is added to the protocol.
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The History of Terminal
These are called "escape key" and
"escape sequence".
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The History of Terminal
But many companies develop new
"terminal" machines. They specify non-
compatible escape sequences each other.
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The History of Terminal
It's a flood of terminals. Users are
confused hardly.
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The History of Terminal
In those times, a new technology comes.
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The History of Terminal
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The History of Terminal
Teletype terminals and line printers come
to be connected to computers,
eventually, line printers are replaced with
visual monitors.
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The History of Terminal
"Desk Set"(1957), sponsored by IBM
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The History of Terminal
Many escape sequences for terminals are
different so computers support them by
hardware because softwares is still
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The History of Terminal
Dozens of years later, primitive softwares
come to be OSes. Unix comes up. User
space on OS changes "settings" of
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The History of Terminal
Unix like OSes changed the situation of
escape sequences.
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The History of Terminal
Termcap what is encapsulated software
for incompatible escape sequences
named each escape sequence, and has a
dictionary from name to real escape
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The History of Terminal
It's a revolution. Users can use any
terminals for own computer. It's
developed at 1978.
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The History of Terminal
And Terminfo what is improved Termcap
is developed at 1982.
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The History of Terminal
ANSI sequences were introduced in the
1970s to replace vendor-specific sequences
and became widespread in the computer
equipment market by the early 1980s.
[cited from `ANSI escape code - Wikipedia']
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The History of Terminal
Especially, SGR parameters is famous to
set character decoration.
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The History of Terminal
print "\e[31m" # red
print "red"
print "\e[32m" # green
print "green"
print "\e[34m" # blue
print "blue"
print "\e[0m" # reset
print "\n"
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The History of Terminal
This is the very sad history of terminals,
but Windows introduced another way.
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The History of Terminal
Windows has Console API for control
terminal as known as command prompt.
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The History of Terminal
Console API of Windows controls a
console via "console handle".
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The History of Terminal
Escape sequences need using I/O to
control console.
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The History of Terminal
Console API of Windows is smarter API for
console, it's very practical!
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The History of Terminal
And it means Console API is a newcomer
of the terminal's sad history.
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The History of Terminal
It's complex insanely.
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The History of Terminal
Humans are stupid.
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The History of Terminal
I asked a question at the start of this
"When do you think the terminal's
historical background started?"
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The History of Terminal
An answer is "unclear".
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The History of Terminal
What is "terminal"?
What is "the protocol"?
What is "encoded data"?
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The History of Terminal
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The History of Terminal
Maybe, fire's smoke is the earliest long
distance communication technology.
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My Adventure In Ruby
the history of terminal
GNU Readline compatible features
I18n support
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My Adventure In Ruby
the history of terminal
GNU Readline compatible features
I18n support
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Ruby needs GNU Readline as a native
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
GNU Readline is powerful line editor for
taking user input.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
require 'readline'
Shows the prompt and reads the inputted
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Line editing is...:
Move cursor
Delete characters
Use history
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
# small IRB sample
require 'readline'
while (line = Readline.readline('echo>'))
break if line == 'exit'
print eval(line) # evaluate!
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
GNU Readline is used by...:
shell(tcsh, Bash, and others)
MySQL command-line tool
The GNU Debugger(GDB)
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Ruby's standard library "readline" is used
Thor(famous simple framework for
command line utilities)
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
The "readline" library is very important
for Ruby. But "readline" can be used only
when GNU Readline is installed before
Ruby builds.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
# Ubuntu/GNU Linux case
$ sudo apt install libreadline-dev
$ rbenv install 2.6.5
If you forget installing "libreadline-dev"
first, Ruby doesn't have "readline" library.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
$ pry # tried to launch Pry without readline lib
Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library.
Possible solutions:
* Rebuild Ruby with Readline support using `--with-readline`
* Use the rb-readline gem, which is a pure-Ruby port of Readline
* Use the pry-coolline gem, a pure-ruby alternative to Readline
Pry fails to launch when Ruby doesn't
have "readline" library.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
It's must be a trap to beginners. So I
decided to re-implement "readline"
library by pure Ruby. It's Reline.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Ruby 2.7 uses GNU Readline by default,
and uses Reline inside if doesn't have
GNU Readline.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Reline has 3 layers:
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string as default encoding of the
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
Reline uses select(2) system call in Unix
like OSes, kbhit() and getwch() in
Windows Console API, to take keyboard
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
And I ported Emacs bindings and Vi
bindings from GNU Readline for line
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
Finally, I implemented building string as
the default encoding of the environment.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
I got off from work! I did it!
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
But the implementation is broken in non-
Unicode encodings, so I re-implement
whole line editting code.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
Unicode characters are broken at the
time of first input...I fixed it...
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
Combining Unicode charasters are
sometimes broken in line editing...
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
I fixed the whole implementation the
layer due to lower layer...
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
All tests fail so I remake whole tests.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Keyboard input
Line editing
Build string by default encoding of the
I worked out over 2 years but I'm still
fixing source code and tests.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
I consult Ruby core team about the
implementation problems, and almost
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
It will be adopted at Ruby 2.7.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
But there is still some work to be done.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
It's Reidline.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
The original author of IRB, keiju-san, he's
developing new IRB, it's Reirb.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Reirb uses an original line editor
"Reidline" inside.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
Reidline is a multiline editor, like
JavaScript console in browser.
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GNU Readline Compatible Features
But the implementation is too hard, so I
added Reidline mode to Reline. It's just
for Reirb but Ruby 2.7's IRB contains the
Reidline mode as a transition period.
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My Adventure In Ruby
the history of terminal
GNU Readline compatible features
I18n support
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I18n Support
There are so many character encoding in
the world, especially CJK(Chinese,
Japanese, Korean) have so complex
characters and history. More than 10,000
Kanji characters, Kana, Hangul...
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I18n Support
But it's very confused for non CJK people.
So I'll try explain by emoji's specifications.
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I18n Support
We always use the word "character"
primitively. But it's a very difficult thing.
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I18n Support
It's important to understand the
difference between codepoint and
grapheme in Unicode but it confuses you.
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I18n Support
Some codepoints are invisible because
these are just "combining character" for
"base character".
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I18n Support
For example, "☎"(U+260E BLACK
TELEPHONE) is changed with following
invisible "variation selector" if you use a
font that has the "variation".
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I18n Support
For example, the "variation" is
"textual fashion"(U+FE0E VARIATION
"emoji fashion"((U+FE0F VARIATION
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I18n Support
And some combining characters has a
glue codepoint(U+200D ZERO WIDTH
JOINER) to join different characters.
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I18n Support
For example, " "(EYE IN SPEECH
BUBBLE U+1F441 U+FE0F U+200D
U+1F5E8 U+FE0F) is composed of
"eye"(U+1F441 EYE) and " "(U+1F5E8
codepoint(U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER).
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I18n Support
Besides, national flags are constructed by
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I18n Support
" "(U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 flag for United
States) is composed of "🇺"(U+1F1FA
SYMBOL LETTER S) without joiner.
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I18n Support
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I18n Support
Unicode has contains human's confused
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I18n Support
So, the "codepoint" is an unit that should
be coded.
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I18n Support
And the "grapheme" is an unit that
human beings understand as a character.
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I18n Support
- 2 codepoints, 1 grapheme
🇺 - 1 codepoint, 1 grapheme
🇸 - 1 codepoint, 1 grapheme
US(ASCII) - 2 codepoints, 2 graphemes
U+200D(ZWJ) - 1 codepoint, 0 grapheme
- 5 codepoints, 1 grapheme
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I18n Support
String#chars method returns codepoints.
String#grapheme_clusters method
returns graphemes.
# => ["🇺", "🇸"]
".grapheme_clusters # => [" "]
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I18n Support
Do you understand?
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I18n Support
I have no confidence.
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I18n Support
If Reline remove only 1 codepoint from 1
grapheme that is constructed by plural
codepoints, the editor break easily.
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My Adventure In Ruby
...It's an outline of technical background
of interactive CLI of Ruby.
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My Adventure In Ruby
The brand-new IRB will be adopted at
Ruby 2.7.
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My Adventure In Ruby
And, I'll release the brand-new IRB before
Ruby 2.7.
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My Adventure In Ruby
$ gem install irb
$ irb # brand-new IRB!
After that, you can install and use the
brand-new IRB.
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My Adventure In Ruby
When will I release the brand-new IRB?
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My Adventure In Ruby
$ gem install irb
Install the brand-new IRB.
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the brand-new
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My Adventure In Ruby
$ gem install irb
Install the brand-new IRB.
Right Now.
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My Adventure In Ruby
Please file some issues if you find bugs.
Take it easy. It's a great contribution for
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