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A Beginner’s Complete
Guide to Microcontroller
Programming with Ruby
RubyConf Africa 2024
Nairobi, Kenya
27 July 2024
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Today’s content
Part 1
Part 2
Getting Started with Microcontroller
Part 3
Exploring PicoRuby Further
Part 4
PicoRuby Under the Hood
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Hitoshi HASUMI
@hasumikin (GitHub and Twitter)
ANDPAD: construction tech
Creator of PicoRuby
Contributor to CRuby and mruby
Member of IRB maintainer team
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The former IRB maintainer
RubyConf Africa 2019
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Part 1
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Setup (minimal)
Raspberry Pi Pico
Or other *RP2040)-based controller
USB cable
Terminal emulator on laptop
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Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico: Microcontroller board
MCU: RP2040
Cortex-Mzero+ (dual)
264 KB RAM
2 MB flash ROM
Generally runs without an OS
Raspberry Pi: Single-board computer
Generally needs an OS like Raspberry Pi OS
or Windows for Arm
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Terminal emulator (recommendation)
Linux -> GTKTerm
Windows -> Tera Term
macOS -> PuTTY
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Let’s begin 1/4
Download the latest
from GitHub
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Let’s begin 1/4
BTW, R2P2 stands for
Ruby on Raspberry Pi Pico
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Let’s begin 2/4
Connect Pi Pico and PC while
pressing the BOOTSEL button
You’ll find “RPI-RP2” drive in file manager
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Let’s begin 3/4
Drag & drop R2P2-*.uf2 into RPI-RP2 drive
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Let’s begin 4/4
Open a proper
serial port on
terminal emulator
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R2P2 Shell should start [Demo]
Unix-like shell running on Raspberry Pi Pico
You can use some
commands like cd,
ls, mkdir, and irb
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PicoIRB [Demo]
PicoRuby’s IRB is running within the R2P2 shell
on Raspberry Pi Pico
Your Ruby snippet is compiled into mruby VM
code and executed on the fly
It means PicoRuby contains an mruby compiler which can
run on a one-chip microcontroller (will be mentioned
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Part 2
Getting Started with
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GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)
Fundamental digital I/O
Variety of uses:
Input: Detects on-off state of switch and button
Output: Makes a voltage
You can even implement a communication protocol by
controlling GPIO in milli/micro sec
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GPIO — Blinking LED [Demo]
irb> led = GPIO.new(25, GPIO::OUT)
irb> 5.times do
led.write 1
sleep 1
led.write 0
sleep 1
irb* end
GPIO25 internally connects to
on-board LED through a resistor
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GPIO — Blinking LED by discrete parts
Parts list:
Resistor (1kΩ)
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GPIO — Blinking LED by discrete parts
irb> pin = GPIO.new(15, GPIO::OUT)
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GPIO — Blinking LED by discrete parts
GPIO15 ===> 1kΩ ===> LED ===> GND
<----- 1.5V -----><--- 1.8V ---->
<------------ 3.3V ------------->
RP2040’s logic level: 3.3V
LED voltage drop: 1.8V
(according to LED’s datasheet)
Current: (3.3V - 1.8V) / 1kΩ = 1.5mA
(calculated by Ohm’s Law)
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Study time: Physics
Ohm’s Law
Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws
Current law: The algebraic sum of currents in a network
of conductors meeting at a point is zero
Voltage law: The directed sum of the potential
differences (voltages) around any closed loop is zero
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Peripherals for serial communication
I²C: To communicate between integrated
circuits with support for multiple devices
connected to the same bus
SPI: To facilitate high-speed communication
between microcontrollers and peripheral
UART: To establish asynchronous serial
communication between devices
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I²C — Inter-Integrated Circuit
irb> require 'i2c'
irb> i2c = I2C.new(unit: :RP2040_I2C1, sda_pin: 26, scl_pin: 27)
irb> [0x38, 0x39, 0x14, 0x70, 0x56, 0x6c].each { |i| i2c.write(0x3e, 0, i); sleep_ms 1 }
irb> [0x38, 0x0c, 0x01].each { |i| i2c.write(0x3e, 0, i); sleep_ms 1 }
irb> "Hello,".bytes.each { |c| i2c.write(0x3e, 0x40, c); sleep_ms 1 }
irb> i2c.write(0x3e, 0, 0x80|0x40)
irb> "Nairobi!".bytes.each { |c| i2c.write(0x3e, 0x40, c); sleep_ms 1 }
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LCD wraps I²C
# /lib/lcd.rb in R2P2 drive
require 'i2c'
class LCD
ADDRESS = 0x3e # 0x7c == (0x3e << 1) + 0 (R/W)
def initialize(i2c:)
@i2c = i2c
def reset
[0x38, 0x39, 0x14, 0x70, 0x56, 0x6c].each { |i| @i2c.write(ADDRESS, 0, i) }
sleep_ms 200
[0x38, 0x0c, 0x01].each { |i| @i2c.write(ADDRESS, 0, i) }
def putc(c)
@i2c.write(ADDRESS, 0x40, c)
sleep_ms 1
def print(line)
line.bytes.each { |c| putc c }
# ...
# See https://github.com/picoruby/picoruby/tree/master/mrbgems
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LCD wraps I²C
irb> require 'lcd'
irb> lcd = LCD.new(i2c: I2C.new(unit: :RP2040_I2C1, sda_pin: 26, scl_pin: 27))
irb> lcd.print "Hello,"
irb> lcd.break_line
irb> lcd.print "Nairobi!"
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SPI — Serial Peripheral Interface
irb> require 'spi'
irb> spi = SPI.new(unit: :RP2040_SPI0, cipo_pin: 16,
cs_pin: 17, sck_pin: 18, copi_pin: 19)
irb> spi.select
irb> spi.write(255,255,255,255) # Reset
irb> spi.write(0x54)
# Start continuous mode
irb> data = spi.read(2).bytes
irb> temp = data[0] << 8 | data[1]
irb> temp / 128.0
# Convert to Celsius
=> 19.5621
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#/lib/thermo.rb in R2P2 drive
require 'spi'
class THERMO
def initialize(unit:, sck_pin:, cipo_pin:, copi_pin:, cs_pin:)
@spi = SPI.new(unit: unit, frequency: 500_000, mode: 0, cs_pin: cs_pin,
sck_pin: sck_pin, cipo_pin: cipo_pin, copi_pin: copi_pin
@spi.write 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF # Reset
@spi.write 0x54 # Start continuous mode
sleep_ms 240
def read
data = @spi.read(2).bytes
temp = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]) >> 3
# If it minus?
temp -= 0x2000 if 0 < temp & 0b1_0000_0000_0000
temp / 16.0 # Convert to Celsius
# See https://github.com/picoruby/picoruby/tree/master/mrbgems
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irb> require 'thermo'
irb> thermo = THERMO.new(unit: :RP2040_SPI0,
cipo_pin: 16, cs_pin: 17, sck_pin: 18, copi_pin: 19)
irb> thermo.read
=> 19.5621
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irb> require 'lcd'
irb> lcd = LCD.new(i2c: I2C.new(unit: :RP2040_I2C1, sda_pin: 26, scl_pin: 27))
irb> require 'thermo'
irb> thermo = THERMO.new(unit: :RP2040_SPI0,
cipo_pin: 16, cs_pin: 17, sck_pin: 18, copi_pin: 19)
irb> lcd.print sprintf("%5.2f \xdfC", thermo.read)
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Part 3
Exploring PicoRuby Further
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PicoRuby killer applications
Microcontroller application framework
Unix-like shell system and IRB written in PicoRuby
PRK Firmware
Keyboard firmware framework for DIY keyboard
You can write your keymap and keyboard’s behavior with
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R2P2 (again)
Multiple-line editor
Built-in commands and executables (all written
in Ruby)
You can write your own external command
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Executables in R2P2, for example,
# date
puts Time.now.to_s
# mkdir
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Write a Ruby script file [Demo]
$> vim hello.rb
Edit the file and save it.
puts "Hello World!"
Then run it.
$> ./hello.rb
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Make a standalone IoT device
# `/home/app.rb` automatically runs
require 'lcd'
require 'thermo'
led = GPIO.new(25, GPIO::OUT)
lcd = LCD.new(i2c: I2C.new(unit: :RP2040_I2C1,
sda_pin: 26, scl_pin: 27))
thermo = THERMO.new(unit: :RP2040_SPI0, cipo_pin: 16,
cs_pin: 17, sck_pin: 18, copi_pin: 19)
# Stop infinite loop by Ctrl-C
while true
temp = thermo.read
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Make a standalone IoT device
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Part 4
PicoRuby Under the Hood
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mruby and PicoRuby
General purpose embedded Ruby implementation
written by Matz
PicoRuby (PicoRuby compiler + mruby/c VM)
Another implementation of murby targeting on one-chip
microcontroller (smaller foot print)
Based on the mruby’s VM code standard
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Small foot print
$ valgrind
path/to/(mruby|picoruby) \
-e 'puts "Hello World!"'
massif.out.[pid] file will be created. Then,
$ ms_print massif.out.1234 | less
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Small foot print
mruby -e 'puts "Hello World!"'
Massif arguments:
ms_print arguments: massif.out.18391
@:::::::::@@::::@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@@@:::@:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
| @
@ :: @:::::::::@ :: :@:::@::::::@:::::: :@:@@@::::@:::@:#::
0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Mi
Note: Measured in 64 bit Ubuntu
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Small foot print
picoruby -e 'puts "Hello World!"'
Massif arguments:
ms_print arguments: massif.out.21752
: @:#:::::
::: @:#:::::
: ::: @:#:::::
:: :::@::::@:#:::::@
::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
@:: :
::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
@:: :
::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
:@:: :
:: :@:@: :
:@@: ::@::::: ::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
:@:: :::::::::::::::@:@:@:::::@ ::: @:: : :::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
|::::::@::@:: :::
::: :::::@:@:@:: ::@ : : @:: : :::: :::@::::@:#:::::@
0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->ki
Note: Measured in 64 bit Ubuntu
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Small foot print
RAM consumption of puts "Hello World!"
mruby: 133.5 KB (on 64 bit)
PicoRuby: 9.82 KB (on 64 bit)
RP2040 (32 bit) has 264 KB RAM
Only small applications written in mruby should work
R2P2 and PRK Firmware should be written in PicoRuby
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PRK Firmware: DIY keyboard firmware
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PRK Firmware on Meishi2 (4-keys macro pad)
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PRK Firmware on Meishi2 (4-keys macro pad)
require "consumer_key"
kbd = Keyboard.new
[ 6, 7 ], # row0, row1
[ 28, 27 ] # col0, col1
kbd.add_layer :default, %i[ RAISE KC_2 KC_A KC_4 ]
kbd.add_layer :raise, %i[ RAISE
kbd.define_mode_key :RAISE, [ :KC_SPACE, :raise, 200, 200 ]
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PicoRuby ecosystem
PRK Firmware is also a Picogem
Peripheral gems
picoruby-gpio, picoruby-adc, picoruby-i2c,
picoruby-spi, picoruby-uart, picoruby-pwm
Peripheral interface guide
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PicoRuby ecosystem
Build system forked from mruby
You can build your application in a similar way to mruby
You can also write your gem and host it on your GitHub
RP2040 is the only target as of now though,
Carefully designed to keep portability
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PicoRuby is a Ruby implementaiton targeting
on one-chip microcontroller
You can prototype your microcontroller
application step-by-step using R2P2 and IRB
You don’t need any compiler or linker
Educational and fun to learn about
microcontroller programming
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