Embedded Ruby Revolution: A Hands-On Workshop with PicoRuby
Presentation slide for Euruko 2024
- PicoRuby
- hands-on

Presentation slide for 大阪Ruby会議04
- PicoRuby
- niche industry

A Beginner's Complete Guide to Microcontroller Programming with Ruby
Presentation slide for Africa 2024
- PicoRuby
- Microcontroller
- RP2040

Unlock The Universal Parsers: A New PicoRuby Compiler
Presentation slide for RubyKaigi 2024
- Lrama
- Prism
- universal parser

PicoRuby epsode 4
Presentation slide for RubyConf Taiwan 2023
- PicoRuby
- Peripheral
- Microcontroller

A Beginner's Complete Guide to Microcontroller Programming with Ruby
Presentation slide for RubyConfTH 2023
- PicoRuby
- Microcontroller
- RP2040

A Beginner's Complete Guide to Microcontroller Programming with Ruby
Presentation slide for Euruko 2023
- PicoRuby
- Microcontroller
- RP2040

Pointing Device On The Partner Half
Presentation slide for KeebKaigi 2023
- PicoRuby
- PointingDevice
- Firmware

PicoRuby epsode 3
Presentation slide for RubyWorld Conference 2022
- PicoRuby
- Shell
- Filesystem

PicoRuby epsode 2
Presentation slide for Ruby Association Grant 2021 Report
- PicoRuby
- MicroRuby
- mruby

On a Keyboard Ruby on Board: PicoRuby and PRK Firmware
Presentation slide for RubyConf 2021
- PicoRuby
- RP2040
- microcontroller

PRK Firmware: Keyboard is Essentially Ruby
Presentation slide for RubyKaigi Takeout 2021
- PicoRuby
- keyboard
- Raspberry

PicoRuby Compiler
Presentation slide for Ruby Association Grant 2020 Report
- PicoRuby
- compiler
- smallfootprint

mruby machine - An Operating System for Microcontroller
Presentation slide for RubyKaigi Takeout 2020
- mruby
- compiler
- microcontroller

mruby/c: Running on Less Than 64KB RAM Microcontroller
A presentation slide for RubyConf 2019 at JW Marriott Nashville on Nov 18, 2019
- mruby/c
- Sake
- IoT

mruby de Hello World!
The Presentation for RubyKaigiToyama01 by hasumikin
- mruby
- compiler
- parser
- lemon

IoT with mruby/c on the Asahi-shuzo (Shimane)
Presentation for SWEST21
- mruby
- mruby/c
- iot
- sake

IoT workshop for firmware programming with ESP32 and mruby/c
It will cover: - Introducing mruby/c which is Ruby implementation for microcontroller - How mruby/c works - Basics of microcontroller - Hands-ons - Hello World on POSIX - Hello World on ESP32 - Blinking LED - Taking temperature with thermistor - Multi tasking
- mruby/c
- mruby
- IoT
- firmware
- ESP32
- microcontroller

mrubyc - The smallest Ruby implementation for microcontrollers
The slide for [THE RUBY CONFERENCE OF CRACOW 2019](https://krk-rb.pl/) by [hasumkin](https://github.com/hasumikin) It will cover: - Introducing Ruby for microcontrollers and microcontrollers themselves - Things in common and difference between mruby and mruby/c - How mruby/c works - Development sorroundings - Some actual source code of firmware application
- mruby
- mruby/c
- IoT

Practical mruby/c firmware development with CRuby
A talk of RubyKaigi 2019 in Fukuoka. Writing mruby/c firmware applications is like writing mrbgems. You need to make some C functions and mruby wrapper of them in order to handle peripherals like sensor, flash memory or BLE. Easy to imagine it's hard to develop for a team in a situation of TIGHT COUPLING, right? I will talk about some tools, mrubyc-test and mrubyc-debugger, which I made with CRuby for testing and debugging to keep our team slack coupling.
- mruby
- mruby/c
- IoT

Firmware programming with mruby/c
We have a new choice to write firmware for microcomputers(microcontrollers). It's mruby/c. This talk shows how to introduce mruby/c firmware programming. And besides, my actual IoT project for Japanese Sake brewery will be described. Since mruby/c is still a young growing tool, you will know there are several(many?) things you can help it to become better.
- mrubyc

Making IoT device with Ruby
I made an IoT system to manage the brewing temperature for Asahi Shuzo (Izumo city) with Ruby. I will talk about the value of Ruby on-the-spot of IoT, and about the way how a very ordinary Rubyist got to be able to handle microcontroller.
- mrubyc